Parks and natural reserves
Between Ladispoli seaside resort and Cerveteri small town, along the coast, Flavia Tower Marshland extends for about 40 hectares. It is a rare marsh area of the Coast, important habitat for migratory birds. The Oasis is characterized by the ruins of an ancient Tower of the Sixteenth Century, built on a previous construction for want of the Papal State, against Saracen pirates coming from the sea. The Tower, raised on an ancient look-out, appears today – due to erosion of the Coast – as a suggestive ruin that comes out from water at about 80 meters from the coast. The area is now managed by WWF, especially to observe water birds: in fact you can admire the Italian knight bird, the wild duck, the egret and oyster catcher.
Via Tiburtina, 691 – 00159 Roma
Phone 06/67663301
Fax 06/43562126