Parks and natural reserves
Extended on 249 hectares and crossed by Magliana ditch, this Reserve, surrounded by City chaos, still preserves a certain charm. Ancient property belonging to monks of St. Pancratius, it took the name from the freshness of Magliana ditch water, where king of Ostrogoths Totila stopped, in 547 A.D., during the conquest of Rome. The ground, still used for agricultural purposes, is home to few springs and cork oaks, elms, equisetum (called horsetail), wild rose, brooms and orchids. To many mammals we can add riparian fauna, made of aquatic birds as moorhens, coots, nightingales and the nice Remiz pendulinus (Penduline-Tit).
The Reserve is run by Roma Natura local Authority
Villa Mazzanti, via Gomenizza, 81 – 00195 Roma
Phone 06/35405310
Fax 06/35491519