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Parks and natural reserves

Macchiatonda Regional Natural Reserve


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Aurelia

The Natural Reserve of Macchiatonda is located near Rome, in St. Marinella Municipality and it extends for 250 hectares along the Tyrrehenian Coast. At the beginning, the environment of Latium coasts was characterized by wetlands, lakes of brackish water that gave hospitality to a rich wildlife: almost completely disappeared, these ecosystems are protected and favoured inside the Reserve, where is possible to enjoy the charm of the wild beach and savouring the taste of an ancient landscape. Sediments accumulation coming from seabed has created sand bars that form coastal ponds where many birds species find their ideal habitat: here it is possible to see, next to herons and egrets, many types of ducks, flamingos, cranes and wild-gooses. Moreover, wetlands give hospitality to the marsh harrier and other birds of prey. This Park is beautiful because, thanks to the ecosystem integrity of coastal lakes, many birds species choose it to spend the winter or to rest in spring or in autumn. This way it is possible to watch the amazing show of migratory birds, or wild ducks that flying in groups. Laurel forests and groves of reeds surrounds ponds where croak myriad of tree frogs. Easy paths guide the route into the Park, indicated by arrows and marked by educational tables. Near artificial lakes are located watchtowers, where you can observe birds and recognize species, with the help of descriptive panels specifically prepared. Information pack and guides can be requested at the Park Visits Office, located inside the St. Severa Castle.

Castello di Santa Severa
Via Aurelia, 455 – 00058 Santa Marinella
Phone 0766/571097
Fax 0766/537249

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